la casa arnett

5515 Calle 22
Lubbock, TX 79407

Acerca de

Bungalow style house built in 1915 at 1214 Ave. L in downtown Lubbock for Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Higginbotham. Designed by M.L. Waller of Fort Worth. Home of Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Arnett Sr. from 1918 to 1956. Arnett was a rancher, banker, and civic leader. Donated to Lubbock Christian College in 1956 by Dr. S.C. Arnett Jr. and moved to campus as L.C.C.’s first administration building. After other uses by the college, the house was moved to this location and restored by the L.C.C. Associates in 1979.

Arnett House
First built as a wedding gift for J. Lanham and Glenn (Pratt) Higginbotham in 1915, the Arnett House became the longtime home of the family of Alice (Ford) and Sam C. Arnett, pioneer rancher and banker. For decades, Arnett served as a major businessman and leader in the development of Lubbock. In 1956, Arnett passed away, and his son, Dr. Sam C. Arnett Jr., and his wife, Olga, donated the house to Lubbock Christian College (later Lubbock Christian University, or LCU). The house was moved to the campus to serve as its first administration building. The house fulfilled various functions until 1975, when it was given to the Associates of Lubbock Christian College, a women’s organization dedicated to support and fundraising for the college.

The Craftsman style bungalow was designed by Fort Worth architect M.L. Waller, who designed other buildings in Lubbock and also the Crosby County Courthouse. The Arnett House is one of the few early 20th century residences of Lubbock still standing today. In its original location it faced Avenue L just south of the Lubbock Sanitarium. Now on the LCU campus, the eight room, 1 ½-story wood frame house features cabled and hip roofed sections, wide porches and a low knee wall. The house was renovated in 1978-79 by C.R. Billingsley of Billingsley and Stracener, with Claude Martin and Sons as contractors. Lucille Melcher of Cagle Brothers Furniture oversaw the interior restoration. The Associates of Lubbock Christian University provided the funding for the entire project and continue to maintain the home and to use it for events supporting the university. This organization celebrated the 100th birthday of the house with several events in 2015.


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