
Firehouse Presents! A Day in Africa

Jul 20, 2024

LHUCA (Centro de las Artes Louise Hopkins Underwood)
511 Avenida K
Lubbock, TX 79401

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(806) 762-8606

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Join us for a lively journey through Africa, led by our knowledgeable guide, Elizabeth Kahura! She’ll take you on a virtual tour of the continent, showcasing its stunning geography and unique cultures. Expect to be charmed by the richness of African life, as Elizabeth introduces you to the different lifestyles, customs, and traditions of its people. This event is free and open to the public!

Using an array of visual aids such as slides and traditional artifacts, Elizabeth will introduce you to the vibrant world of African music and dance. You’ll get to see authentic instruments up close, feel the rhythm of African music, and even receive a primer on the widely spoken Swahili language.

But it’s not just about sight and sound – this program is also a lesson in diversity and values. As we explore the richness and variety of African culture, we’ll highlight how positive values can be shared and embraced across cultures. Concepts like character development and self-empowerment will become tangible through this engaging experience.

More about Elizabeth:


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